Saturday, July 07, 2007

'Lucky Sevens'-07-07-07- Here We Go! I AM, Day 1 on here, I have FINALLY started my Blog, honoring my self promise to do so! I figured this unique day in history that will NEVER be repeated (7-7-07) would ge a great day to get going on this, as I was born on the 7th day of the month of June and 7 is my lucky number, so here we go!

I have been 'meaning' to start a Blog for quite some time as I love to write (and many say I do it well), I have many interests (this is one way to keep up with them all and have them archived), live a good life that is worth documenting (at least I think so!), am a critical thinker and am fascinated by what makes people 'tick' , and am fasinated with LIFE in general. I figured this would be a great place to write, rant, rave, share, observe, muse, post things about Me, My Life, Life in general and the 'Human Condition'.


This blog is first and foremost for me (to keep a running record of my life, a way to document my experiences and thought processes) for my precious little 4 (soon to be 5 in August) year old daughter Shoshie who is a BIG part of my WHY in life and who inspires me everyday to BE, DO and HAVE more and teaches me about life through her innocent, joyous, awe-inspired, fun, kid like 'way of being' in the world (all kids have this amazing quality, why do we lose that sometimes as we 'mature'!?), and aslo for YOU, who ever YOU are that happens to be here right now reading this. I believe there are 'No Accidents' in life No 'Coincidences', so if you are here reading this....Welcome, Nice to 'meet' YOU here, and whatever brought you here, I hope you find something here to entertain, encourage, inspire you or cause you to think (something we do not do enough of these days!)

As I have said above I have had a good life thus far; my 36 years here on Earth have certainly not been a waste by any means, it has been quite the ride. I have travelled the world (I am a 2 passport and greencard carrying citizen of the world after all!), lived in 3 different countries, experienced great people, things, places, and well, experiences! I have touched many people's lives and have been touched by many people along the Journey thus far, however I have been 'playing small' as they say in many areas of my life as well up until now!

I Jared Maidenberg, on 07-07-07 have now decided and committed to going from Good to GREAT!

This is the beginning of an EXTRAORDINARY life! What is being created as of today is the possibility of being Extraordinary. Love, acceptance, forgiveness, creativity, service, FUN and inspiration are the pillars upon which I am basing the genesis of my extraordinary life from this day forward until those pillars become too small to hold the incredible greatness which I am creating.

(Wow, I re-read that last paragraph and was actually inspired myself!)

So what does all of this mean? Unless I actually DO something, unless I actually take my thoughts, ideas, and plans and turn them into something measureable and real, then all of this means absolutely nothing. But I am putting my neck on the line here and am holding myself accountable to my word and to my integrity to live an extraordinary life. So how will I create this? Give me a few days to formulate my thoughts and creations. And feel free to share YOUR thoughts, ideas, plans and inspirations.

I am creating this blog to share my thoughts, ideas, insights, and my life with the world. Use it as inspiration in your own life or as a way of living an extraordinary life vicariously through mine (Although that is sort of like watching a movie or documentary about travelling the world, versus Experiencing the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and Feel of a place for yourself )! But its your life and your choices and I will love you no matter what you choose for your life. Mine, however, will be GREAT...EXTRAORDINARY and I hope that you decide the same for yourself.

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