Monday, March 16, 2009

~Here's To The Misfits...The Crazy One's...The Rebels...The Entrepreneurs...

Below is a great ad and video from a great company...Apple...Think Different!

As an Entrepreneur/Zentrepreneur I really appreciate this video and the words
and people in it, and think that you too may be inspired!

Furthermore, to all of us who have 'answered the call' and are following our hearts
our passions and souls purpose, many people (from the 'herd') will often ask of us,

"Why Do You Do What You DO?"


"Why Don't You Get A Real Job?"

Ever Heard that one before?? God Forbid! ;)

Well below here is a great article from Perry Masrshall (via my friend in Orlando,thanks Nancy) that really hit home for me...perhaps it will for you as well... enjoy!

Appreciation and a culture of HONOR for Entrepreneurs

I just came home from a conference by Paul Manwaring called A Culture of Honor. As he spoke about how carelessly people criticize each other on TV and in daily life - and how uplifting it is to receive words of affirmation - I was struck by how little appreciation most entrepreneurs get from… well, anybody.

The evening news is no celebration of business people, that's for sure.

The government ain't doing much to make your job easier.

So… why would you risk everything, endure multiple bankruptcies, work 17 hours a day for weeks and months at a time, to be the first to be taxed and the last to get paid in a game that offers no guarantee of success whatsoever?

It takes a very special kind of person.

It takes a person who is driven from the inside by passion and vision and a bit of eccentricity. It requires you to be so dissatisfied with the status quo that you feel like you can endure anything so long as it's not the present mediocrity.

You're one of those people who just can't stand following the car ahead of you on the expressway to some cubicle for the rest of your life.

Or maybe you have this idea for a product or a way of doing something and you're convicted to your very soul that the world needs to see things *your* way for once.

In any case, I doubt it's because you're just some greedy, money-grubbing over-achiever who needs to take a chill pill. No, that popular depiction is deeply misleading.
Prescription for an Internet Entrepreneur
(Marketing RX-'Chill Pill' for Entrepreneurs...empty bottle, fill with your fave sweet, mint, gum, etc!) ;)

I just want to say… Wherever you are in your journey, I’m proud of you, I HONOR you, and I cheer you on in your effort. Any honest business is a noble and honorable thing.

I’ll never forget my 2nd trip to Africa. I’m somewhere southwest of Nairobi Kenya, visiting George Karanga and his wife Jane, two very special people who run a foster program for AIDS orphans.

I’m meeting a woman whose husband is dying of AIDS, he’s down to 66 pounds… all kinds of kids who’ve lost both parents to HIV and now live with aunts, uncles or grandparents… people who are deathly sick for lack of $1.00 for a bus ticket to go to a medical clinic…a woman who’s 8 years a paraplegic, living under a tin roof in a dark mud hut, her sole entertainment her radio, her cat, and her kind neighbors who look after her.
Not a cheery scene.

But the epiphany occurs when I meet a fellow named Paul Mungai, who runs a cobbler shop. Paul, ironically, is Paul Mungai, the crippled owner of a cobbler shop in Kenya

Paul Mungai, the crippled owner of a cobbler shop in Kenya might be crippled, but he knows how to make and fix shoes. And he knows how to run a business.

He started with just $50.00 of seed money and now has, by Kenyan standards, a sound business. He’s feeding his family, he’s paying his rent, his kids have uniforms to wear to school, and everyone in his care has enough to live on.

There’s a gleam in his eye. We exchange a few words and share our mutual understanding: There is one and only one path out of poverty. The one and only path out of poverty is entrepreneurship and business success.

It ain’t government. It’s not social programs. It’s not charity. It’s not even jobs or technology. It’s entrepreneurship.

The message was loud and clear: What you and I do may be daring, crazy, irrational and largely misunderstood. Condescending do-gooders may tell you you’re greedy or too successful. Your brother-in-law may think you’ve got your head stuffed in a cloud.

The government may think it has the right to confiscate your profits and give them to “education” or other well-intentioned social programs. You might cater to some strange market, doing something that most people consider frivolous.

But the fact remains: What you and I do is profoundly important. You and I pave the road that leads from poverty to success. We create the ingenuity and jobs and wealth that makes good medical care possible.

We create the world that has enough to eat, the world where even welfare kids in housing projects get three square meals a day.

So don’t ever apologize to anyone for doing what you do. If it wasn’t for you, me and the rest of us entrepreneurs, “they” would still be sleeping on dirt floors.

That conversation with Paul in Kenya sparkled with the mutual awareness of what I just described to you.

And as George took me to see other recipients of Micro-Enterprise seed funding – a lady selling sardines and tomatoes on a nailed-together stand on the side of the road, several women selling fruits and vegetables in the local markets, I thought of the entrepreneurs I meet in the US, Canada and Australia.

I thought of those rah-rah Amway rallies I was going to years ago, and the easily-exploited naiveté that’s so characteristic of “the Biz Op” market as it’s sometimes called.

And like it or not, it’s that raw enthusiasm and independent spirit that drives the prosperity of the West.

Where that drive, imagination and ingenuity are lacking, people starve – literally.

So yes, some business people are too greedy. Some entrepreneurs don’t care about their fellow man. Some people do make their money by dishonest means. But remember, the character quotient is no better on the poor side of the fence.

So if you’re prospering by means of an honest enterprise – or if you’re struggling to put one together – then you are a hero. The bards and minstrels may not sing songs about you, and your handsome face may never appear on The Apprentice, but what you do every day when you get out of bed is a worthwhile and indeed necessary thing.

Don’t ever forget it. What you do matters. A lot. It's worth celebrating and it's HONORABLE.

Perry Marshall

Wow thanks Perry and hope you are all as inspired as I am after reading that! Perhaps read some of those bolded parts above again... keep striving and making a difference... as what you and I do...IT MATTERS!!

Thanks for reading and for being a part of the Journey and the Solution, I Appreciate you!

Your friend on the Entrepreneurial Journey,

Jared Maidenberg

PS Do you have a system/mechanism in place to show APPRECIATION to the people in your life? I found an incredible, fun, easy way to do so daily with Send Out Cards It Feels So Good (for u and them) to Send out unexpected heartfelt cards, check out link above and send a card or two to someone who needs to hear from you FREE on me! Enjoy and feel free to contact me if u need any help.

PSS Connect with Me Up on Facebook @

~What does Austin's South By Southwest Music & Media Conference (SXSW), Mike Dillard, Gary Vaynerchuk and I Have In Common...

Funny... I was just pondering this very thing the last couple days as I tried to keep
up with all the news and happenings at the South By Southwest Music and Media Conference up the road in Austin (and coincidentally MikeDillard's hometown...that I should so be at btw as one of my heroes Gary Vaynerchuk is there and rocked the house yesterday with his keynote) and it became a dillemma for me as well as it is for Mike Dillard as he shares below!

What am I and Mike Dillard referring to??

Well none other than....
See as I did not make it to Austin this year, so I was living vicariously through all the live 'Tweets' from Twitter re Austin's South By Southwest (#SXSW) Festival, namely from my Friend Jonathan Cohen (@Coffeegroundz) and all other 'Tweeple' who were 'Tweeting' at a rapid fire pace, especially when 'The Man' Gary Vaynerchuk was speaking yesterday (see video from his talk below) and well I had several people add or 'follow' me in the process and as
I was sifting through the people who have 'Followed' me to see if I want to 'follow' them in return, I started to thin about who I really wanted to Follow and why and should I follow them
just because they are following me, and this my Dilemma...the very Dilemma Mike Dillard refers to below in his message, read on...this from Mike......

I Have A Dilemma...

It’s been the source of an internal debate for a few weeks now, and I’d like to get your thoughts…

I’m talking about Twitter, and the single question that we must all eventually answer…

Do you follow someone just because they followed you? Or do you only follow people you genuinely know and want to follow?

Over the past few months, I’ve done both.

After talking to my good friend and social media maven, Perry Belcher, I decided to “reciprocal follow” everyone who was following me about two months ago.

There are two reasons you’d want to do this…

1: It’s polite.

2: It helps you gain exposure, which will help increase your number of followers.

As of today, I follow around 10,000 people, and have 11,900-ish followers at

Looking back, I’m not convinced that was the best move to make, and here’s why…

It’s not the number of people who follow you on Twitter that matters, it’s the number of people who actually listen to you.

And if everyone is just “reciprocal following” everyone, not because they WANT to listen to that person, but because they’re trying to increase their exposure and number of followers, then we have a problem...

Everyone’s following everyone, but no one’s really listening.

When I had 8,000 followers and followed 50, I knew that all 8,000 people subscribed to my “Tweets” because they genuinely wanted to plug into my life, and hear what I had to say.

That’s no longer the case.

And it gets worse…

Once you follow 500+ people, you have to start using specialized software like, just to filter and manage so many messages.

And if you already use TweetDeck like me, you’ve probably set up a custom sub-list of real friends so you can separate all of their messages from the masses of people you don’t know.

How genuine is that?

In the end, reciprocal following simply dilutes the power of an application like Twitter because it’s a behavior that’s motivated by greed instead of authenticity, just so we can all enjoy the illusion of having “more followers”.

That doesn’t sit right with me, so after many days of thought, I’m going to do some surgery on my Twitter account and * gasp * “unfollow” the 10,000+ people I don’t truly know.

If you’re one of them, please do not take it personally. It’s not.

I'm sure I'll lose quite a few people during this process, but that's fine. If that's what it costs to be authentic, then so be it.

And if you continue following me because you truly have an interest in what I have to say and offer, then THANK YOU. That’s what this tool is all about.

My Twitter address is

In the end, I feel that any true “following” you build in your life should be based on providing real value, not the perpetuation of an illusion daisy-chained from one person to the next.

(If you feel strongly about this as well and would like to share this letter, you're welcome to do so as you wish).


Mike Dillard

PS Here it is the Full blown non edited, R-Rated (for language) 71 min talk Gary Vaynerchuk (@Garyvee) talk Gary did yesterday at SXSW:

PSS And in case you are still not sure what Twitter is, are not yet Tweeting or are but still not sure exactly how it works, here's a great expanation of Twitter in 'plain english' in 2 min:

PSSS If you feel that I might add some value into your life, connect with and follow me on Twitter Here!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

~A Call For Humanity-10 Top Fitness Pros Come Together For Hurrican Ike Fundraiser

Listen Up Friends and Support this Great Cause...

As you all know we here in Houston, just a short month
ago, were hit hard by Hurricane Ike and although there is
very little talk or coverage about it in the media now.
I can telll ya we are still feeling the effects and the
after-math, and probably will for quite some time.
For many of us we are getting our lives back to 'normal'
however Thousands of people lost their homes and are left
with nothing.

One of my playground/park workout buddies, Sincere Hogan,
has taken upon himself to put togethera fundraiser to help
the Hurricane Ike victims and I wanted to pass along the
information to you.

If you don't have time to read this, please go directly to:


In Sincere's words...

Will you join me, live, for the next couple of days? Will you help me,
along with 10 of the top names in the health & fitness industry; help
displaced families highly affected by the damages of Hurricane Ike?

It's been one month that Hurricane Ike roared through
the Houston-Galveston area, causing millions of dollars in property
damage, and an immeasurable amount of emotional, spiritual and mental
damage to residents caught in Ike's path?

While organizations such as the Houston Food Bank and the Awakening's
Movement's REACH 3 Ward assistance program work diligently to helped
displaced storm victim regain "life as normal," their funds and
resources are limited.

Beginning Wednesday, October 15, join me, and an expert panel of
health & fitness professionals for a 2 day telefundraiser, as we not
only conduct 6 live phone calls broadcasted live over the internet,
but we help raise funds for these two organizations, in order to
assist them in their efforts to help rebuild the lives of Hurricane
Ike victims.

Your generous donation gets you 24/7 VIP access to 6 content-rich
calls discussing the best health & fitness tips to help you create the
body, and live the healthiest life you desire. If you cannot make the
live calls or webinar, your generous donation gives you unlimited
access to replays of all 6 calls, their transcripts, as well as give
you the option to download each call and save them as an MP3.

I have hand-picked the best in the health & fitness world to give you
their top tips on:

1. How Busy Parents Can Fit Exercise in a Crazy Schedule
2. The Top Foods You Should Be Eating To Create The Body You Desire
3. Why Kettlebells Are the Body Sculpting Tool OF Choice For Today's
Top Celebrities, and Why Should Be Using Them Now!
4. How to Create the Proper Support Team For Your Fitness Success
5. How To Create A Success Mindset in Order To Stay Motivated To Reach
Your Goals
6. How To Create A Lean, Tone Body You Desire Without Ever Purchasing
A Gym Membership

The coaching from these successful fitness professionals would easily
cost hundreds of dollars per hour. However, you can listen and receive
their highly sought after tips, for your generous donation of $10.
That's right....only $10. For the price of about 2 lattes at Starbucks,
or a movie ticket, you can get the tools and tips to help you get on
your way to creating the healthiest body and mind of your dreams,
while helping victims of Hurricane Ike re-realize theirs.

Simply hop over to right now to
learn more, as well as make your generous donation. You donation is tax-
deductable, and most importantly, 100% of your donation is equally split
between the Houston Food Bank and the Awakenings Movement's REACH program.

Just hop over to now to learn how you
can help us help so many in need. I look forward to seeing you on the calls,
and thank you in advance for your heartfelt donation to this extremely important cause.

Yours in health,

Sincere Hogan
"The People's Fit Coach"

p.s. Please help us share this opportunity of giving by forwarding
this email to your friends, family, and email followers. Together, we
can all help reshape our bodies, our minds, and most importantly the
lives of so many affected by the damages of Hurricane Ike in the
Houston-Galveston area.

p.s.s. I truly look forward to seeing you on the calls, as well as
posting videos of the day I proudly present both organizations with
the funds raised through all of our collective efforts. Thank you.
SC Fitness

Monday, September 29, 2008

~Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained-Here's To The Risk Takers! about a way to 'wake up' on a Monday morning and start your day and week with the right mind-set, whew! This is a great article written by one of my fitness, health and 'physical culture' mentors, Mike Mahler , who is a critical thinker, a doer and a wise dude who's training and approach to life is very wise!

This is something I feel we all need to read and act upon and refer back to often,thus the reason for the post. Enjoy and take risks my friends so we can all truly live life and be all that we desire and deserve to be, do and have in life! After all...

“The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” ~ Leo Buscaglia

"Zajonc insisted that we delude ourselves when we think that we evaluate evidence and make decisions by calculating rationally. "This is probably seldom the case," he wrote back in 1980. "We buy cars we ‘like’, choose the jobs and houses we find ‘attractive," and then justify those choices by various reasons."–Daniel Gardner in The Science Of Fear

Human beings are incredibly adept at rationalizing any line of behavior. We decide what we want (whether rationally or emotionally) then go into lawyer mode amassing the support material necessary to justify our actions. We are incredible defense attorneys when it comes to what we want. The problem is we’re often not honest about what we want and further, what we think we want isn’t the real thing.

People email me all the time asking for business advice. They want to get into the fitness business but always have an array of excuses why the present isn’t a good time. They desire motivation to jump into the business and hope I have the magic words to thrust them into action.

They’re deluding themselves about what they really want: They don’t really want to get into the business, it’s just the passing thought excites them. If they were ready to make a change and jump in, they’d do it without rationalizing why. People ready to make a change, make the change, then rationalize why they made the change, not the other way around.

People make dramatic changes in their lives when they’re fed up internally or feel forced by external circumstances. They prefer to stay in their comfort zone, reinforcing all their reasons for avoiding change. Big changes typically occur dramatically, not gradually: one day you’re working in some office, bored out of your mind, and the next week you’re engaged in the business you’ve always dreamed of doing but were simply not committed to pursuing. One day, you’re fifty pounds overweight, and the next year you’re lean and in shape. A year isn’t a long time–big changes can happen within a year given determination and tenacity.

Major life changes are often thrust upon us. For example, fitness has been my passion for many years: I got hooked in 1992, and spent most of my time test driving fitness programs and reading every training book and magazine I could find. (I continue these practices, reading twenty or so training books a year, and too many articles to count.) Fitness was my passion, yet didn’t become my occupation until 2002. From 1996 to 2002 I worked at various jobs I couldn’t care less about. Why? Because I was influenced by others, neither prepared to take charge of my life nor make my own decisions about what I wanted to do.

Every time I considered quitting my job and plunging into the fitness business I found many reasons to justify staying put. I refer to this period of my life as a time in which I wasn’t doing what I wanted to do, but in reality I was doing what I wanted. Truly, if it hadn’t been what I wanted, I’d have taken the steps to change. While the job was boring, it was easy, providing me a comfort zone and a steady, every-two-week, paycheck. Why would I give that up to take on the risky proposition of self-employment? I didn’t give it up and it wasn’t until I got fired, felt completely fed up, that I decided I was finally ready to push forward and not look back.

I feel irritation around risk-averse people who lack the courage and tenacity to do what they really want with their lives, yet I know the reason I feel irritation is because I used to be those people and they remind me of a part of myself I don’t like. I know what it’s like to stay in the comfort zone, performing meaningless work day after day. I’ve been there, I know what it’s like to know what you really want and still find excuse after excuse to stay put. I’ve been there and my discomfort reminds me it’s easy to return there.

We each have an inner coward (for lack of a better word) discouraging us from risk taking and life’s other active engagements. This coward has a subtle, albeit extremely persuasive voice, but if you give in you’ve done so of your own volition. No one makes you live a life of passivity (certainly not in America where possibilities are endless) and if you don’t fight the voice of the "passive way", you’ll find your life becoming ordinary, i.e., never leaving the comfort zone. No, living it up two weeks of each year on your scheduled vacation isn’t enough (try as you might to make those brief vacations distracting) and "living for the weekends" is nothing less than pathetic.

In their formative years, businesses typically display innovation, courage and persistence. Over time, they tend to stall as the people running them become more comfortable and risk-averse. Gather seven people, all sharing the same belief system, in a meeting room together and you’re guaranteed a non-innovative time! All they do is reinforce their mutual beliefs and nothing original comes of it. This happens with companies and organizations all the time.

When I entered the fitness field in 2002, I decided to focus on kettlebell training. Sure, I’d written training articles for magazines and websites that were conspicuously not about kettlebells and I also did online consulting without using kettlebells, yet the majority of my income came from kettlebell workshops. No one else at the time was making their full-time income as a kettlebell instructor nor was anyone presenting kettlebell workshops. Kettlebells were a ground-floor opportunity but there weren’t many people to invite to the party! Probably there weren’t more than one hundred people who owned kettlebells in 2002. Most of my early seminars brought less than four hundred dollars (which is the cost of a single registration these days.) My first workshop in 2002, in Los Angeles, a whopping three people attended.

I didn’t make much money back them, but it was an exciting time, the first time in my life I was making money doing something I was excited about. Over the next few years the business grew and in 2005 I took a huge step forward, enjoying ample income ever since. It’s a blessing doing that which you love and making a great income at it.

Over the years, I’ve become more efficient, gradually shifting from a workshop-emphasis business model to a product-focused business model, resulting in a welcome passive income–this means I make money while not actively "working".

I love the passive income business model but if you’re not careful, it recreates the comfort zone. I’m not materialistic by nature, so I’m unmotivated to work hard in order to buy fancy cars and big houses. The house we live in is fine and the same Honda Civic I’ve been driving for years still gets the job done. Thus, materialistic goals are useless to urge me out of my comfort zone. In early 2006 I fell into a comfort zone and knew I had to change things around.

In 2006 I decided to break with Dragon Door and go off on my own (in a previous article I discussed the reasons why, so I won’t bore you with the details again.) Once I was on my own, I learned more about marketing my own company and taking further charge of my destiny. It was another exciting time, resulting in more professional and personal growth. In spite of all this, in getting the business on track I fell into another comfort zone.

I decided to break out of the comfort zone by taking on a bigger project : The Boys are Back in Town workshop, where I teamed up with long-time friends and colleagues, Steve Cotter, Steve Maxwell and Nate Morrison, in presenting a two-day workshop in Las Vegas. The four of us had worked together at Dragon Door but never collaborated on a workshop of our own in which we did everything from promotion, to registrations, to instruction. This was our opportunity to present a workshop of our own ideas without any restrictions. It was also a chance to create an unprecedented offering…

Someone I go to for business advice is my friend, Tim Larkin. In addition to his self-defense expertise, Tim is a marketing master and he recommended I video tape the Boys are Back workshop and produce a DVD set for sale. It was a great idea and it paid off handsomely. More importantly, it provided an opportunity to create an exciting offering: Not only would our workshop attendees benefit from this great seminar but they’d also receive the ultimate souvenir of a DVD of the workshop itself. No more information overload wherein you go home retaining only 10% of the information presented. Now, the possibility of 100% retention became reality, since you can watch the DVD set as many times as you wish.

I paid for the production of the DVD myself and also gave every attendee a free copy of the finished product. This offer was not included within the promotion copy when people signed up, so they had no idea beforehand. When I announced at the workshop that we were taping the event and everyone in attendance would get a complementary copy, people clapped in excitement.

While the workshop was a huge success, the accompanying DVD set proved to be a bigger success and remains the gift that keeps on giving. The combination of workshop plus DVD is an incredible offering; something I think will become a standard in the fitness industry.

The Boys are Back in Town project was exciting and took me right out of my comfort zone. It in fact, catapulted me out of my comfort zone. It’s a hard project to top but that’s exactly what I must do to remain outside the comfort zone.

Given the success of The Boys are Back in Town workshop, logic dictates I simply replicate the original workshop. After all, why mess with a winner? If the first one succeeds, the second one will be a bigger success, especially given the success of the DVD. Yet doing the same workshop over again doesn’t excite me. For one, kettlebells are no longer the obscure training tool they used to be. While they’re not yet a household name, there are now many more people training with kettlebells and innumerable kettlebell instructors presenting workshops and making DVD’s. In fact, I’d guess there are more kettlebell instructors and DVD’s than trainees!

Kettlebell-focused workshops, when promoted properly and with a great line-up, are a sure success but it’s time to go beyond kettlebells, and I wanted a seminar with a diverse line-up that no one had ever done before. Kettlebells would be a part of it, not the focus. After all, kettlebells are an incredible training tool, and you can get a lot out of kettlebell-only workouts, but you’ll get greater benefits combining kettlebells–correctly–with other training tools. Top strength coach Louie Simmons says if you read only one great book, that is all you have, but read that great book and several other great books and you have that much more to work with. This is precisely the case with kettlebells: kettlebell-only training is great, but kettlebells combined with other solid training tools is even better. This is what all top strength coaches do with kettlebells: they integrate them into their systems, not making kettlebell training their only system.

I wanted to present a workshop to take the trainee to the next level. A workshop providing new information to not only upgrade your kettlebell workouts but additionally introduce you to extremely effective training and nutrition information.

This is how the Collision Course workshop came to fruition. It’s truly a collision of diverse instructors. What all the instructors have in common is their use of kettlebells. While this isn’t a kettlebell-focused seminar, it is a seminar of expert instructors who use kettlebells effectively within their unique training paradigms. As a result, they each know how their respective systems uniquely benefit kettlebell training and vice versa. Established kettlebell trainees will benefit immensely from this seminar as will those new to kettlebells–and even those people who couldn’t care less about kettlebell training.

When I perused the course’s final line-up I got really excited. This is an unprecedented course which I’m not only looking forward to presenting but also looking forward to attending since the information and experience are incredible. Additionally, 10% of the revenue is being donated to a great organization, Kids Kicking Cancer–you can’t beat that icing on the cake!

As excited as I am about the seminar, it’s a riskier production than any workshop I’ve done before. In fact, I have to convince everybody there won’t be information overload and they’ll be able to put what they learn into action. With people losing their jobs and homes left and right it seems a less than ideal time to promote an expensive workshop, but waiting for the ideal time is a long wait, making it likely that nothing ever gets done.

Whatever the reasons, registrations came in a lot slower than previous events, like The Boys are Back in Town. While The Boys are Back in Town sold out within a month of being announced, the Collision Course workshop took a lot more work on my part to get even close to filling up. However, as we get closer to the event in October it is almost sold out. While it will not be as profitable as The Boys are Back in Town on the front end but I’m committed to seeing this project through and I know the DVD set will succeed on the back end. Is this guaranteed? Of course not! There aren’t any guarantees: this DVD set could be a big flop. Not because the content isn’t great–it is–but simply because people don’t care.

Do I have regrets? Absolutely not! I don’t want others taking risks, then me following the paths they’ve blazed. No way! I’m the one blazing the path and taking the risks! Without risk there’s no chance of big success. Risk is what brings the excitement to life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve no doubt the registrants will be blown away. The people who’ve decided to wait for the DVD to come out will kick themselves when they see what they’ve missed. Yes, the DVD is valuable but nothing takes the place of live instruction in a room full of other serious trainees. The people attending the workshop and receiving their free DVD benefit the most–as they should–since they’ve risked the time and money and time to attend in person.

Life is an obstacle course of comfort zones and just because you’ve broken out from one comfort zone doesn’t make you free and clear. Comfort zones creep up on you when you’re distracted and before you know it, there you are, comfortable, again. In order to escape the comfort zone, you must take on discomfort–and that means risk! And risk means things won’t always go your way. Destiny favors the bold, but you may have to exhibit boldness for a good long while before the payoff. Detach yourself from the anticipated fruits of your labors for just a moment and realize that risk taking in itself is exciting. Risk taking in itself is the juicy fruit–not the paper you’re vying for.

Wherever you are in life right now, it’s exactly where you want to be. (Yes, there may be an exception–or two–don’t flood my email box with complaints describing your unique situation.) The bottom line? If you’re not doing what it takes to improve your current unhappy situation it’s because you don’t want to. There’s always something you can do to make things brighter–the key is you actually have to want it.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

~TIME...What's It Worth?!

Today is a special day it is my darling little girl Shoshanna's 6th Birthday!

Six years ago today I was 'gifted' with this amazing little girl, this beautiful little soul, who has changed my life for the better in so many ways and opened my heart in ways I can't even describe and who has inspired me to Be, Do, Have and Give More!

It blows me away that she is already six and going into the first grade, wow how TIME flies, amazing!!

To all Parents out there (which I know many of you are and well even if you're not I think you can relate) you know how kids spell LOVE?

T - I - M - E

Yes, T-I-M-E...TIME! It's the quality Time and Attention we gift our kids with that really makes an impact in their lives (and in ours). It's the most precious of commodities and the one that is most lacking for most people out there, and as well all know...there is only a finite amount we only have so much TIME!

Think about it...

When you subtract out the sleeping time, commuting time, time at the J.O.B and time for things you have to do each day and everday of your life, most people don't have more than 1 or 2 hours each day to do what they like to do, with whom they want to do it with...and then...would they have the MONEY to do it??

Think about This...

How many times in the last day, week, month, year have you said to your kids, yourself, family or friends,

"I (we) Can't______ I(we) don't have the Time/Money (or both) to_______"

Saying that to people you know, love, care about and want the best for does not feel good, in fact it really SUCKS, believe me I know how it feels, and perhaps you do to!? It hurts, it makes you feel like shit, it makes you feel less than what you are..and know you are capable of!

On the flip side I have experienced what it is like to have Leveraged, Passive, Residual Income and man oh man does that feel good to pretty much do what you want, when you want with whom you want and not have to worry about the whole 'Time or Money Thing'!

For 4 years of my daughters life I was able to BE THERE, to spend TIME with her, to be at every school event, to take her to school and be there at the bus stop to greet her when she comes home, to coach her sports teams and be a big part of her life, she definitely knows who her daddy is, and that is a feeling beyond description.. and one that I want EVERY parent to feel and experience!

Unfortunately I lost that feeling (and that income) recently during a tumultuous 2 year long custody case for my little girl, however I am a big believer in everything happens for a reason and sometimes the toughest times in our lives teach us the most valuable lessons, and lead us to where we need to go (though at the time we may not realize it)

Having sold my business to continue to fund the custody case (and knowing it was the right time to depart for several reasons) I had been looking for something that would help to to re-create the Lifestyle I was enjoying (and a whole lot more) for months and have now found it, but that is not the purpose of this message, more on that later.

Back to the TIME thing....

We all want MORE to do the things we are passionate about and with whom we love the most and although we often do not think about it, we are only given so much time here in this life, and the thing is we don't know how much Time it will be for each of us!?

Just this weekend we were given a stark, sad reminder of this...comedian, TV and Movie star Bernie Mac passed away due to complications from pneumonia, at 50 years young!

I will not even get started on a rant about how this should not have happened (dying of complications from pneumonia should never happen today, but the mainstream medical establishment does not get that yet!), bottom line it did and Bernie leaves behind a family, friends and millions of fans and, " A world that is a little less Funny" said his Oceans 11 co-star George Clooney.

Berni's passing, the passing away recently of Randy Pausch, a true American Hero and amazing man, father, husband, and human being (his LastLecture has touched millions), and my own dad's health challenges (with 2 close calls due also to complications from Pneumonia and a compromised immune system) have really woken me up to realizing that TIME and LIFE and so precious and we must Seize The Day, Carpe Diem!

So Time and Money although very important, without HEALTH, well what's the point aye??

All the Gold in the world cannot by a dying man/woman another breath, so if we are stepping over our health in the pursuit of wealth...well we are kind of missing the mark!

Here's a Formula for Lifestyle I often share with people..

Time + Money + Health = Lifestyle

Wouldn't life be cool if we had the TIME, the MONEY and the HEALTH to be able to truly LIVE life, to not just exist and go through the motions but to truly LIVE LIFE, to not just survive but THRIVE, to be able to do what we want, when we want, with whom we choose, and in the style we desire, dream of and deserve!?

Yes Time, Money and Health are what the 'Leveraged Lifestyle' is all about...not too mention once we have the time and money and we are looking and feeling our best, our relationships improve, in all areas of life as we can now take the time to re-connect with ourselves, our loved ones and friends and our Source, and to spend time doing what nourishes our spirit and soul, however that looks and feels to YOU! ;)

This is just a 'sliver' what True Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance looks and feels like (ultimately it is YOU who must decide that for yourself) and this is what I envision for myself and the TEAM i am creating, now it is up to each and every one of us to take what we have here and co-create what we want to Be, Do and Have!

Let's all find out what kind of parents, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, friends, neighbors, aunts, uncles, cousins and human beings we can be when we have the the 'Time, Money and Health Thing' handled... aye!?

It promises to be an incredible Journey, I look forward to the Journey and the fun friendships and incredible experiences along the way....all aboard!

To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit!

Your Friend and Partner on The Journey,

Jared Maidenberg

Saturday, June 28, 2008

~Have You Seen The News!?

This just hit the news travels fast!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

~Fight Gone Bad-CrossFit Style!

Eddie Enriquez, Sincere, Scott Wells and myself after 'Fight Gone Bad'!

Wow, here I am sitting on my patio writing this, my legs hardly able to support me as I took the 'plunge' into my seat here as I am quite sore from my 'Fight Gone Bad' session at CrossFit The Woodlands I did yesterday! My buddy Sincere who runs my fave outdoor 'Boot/Fit Camp'Josh One Fit Camp here in Houston (who helped me learn about this style of training) and my lil girl went yesterday morning at 9am for the Grand Opening of this new Woodlands CrossFit facility opened by Scott Wells and Eddie Enriquez (the guy behind My Trainer along with my buddy John Allen Mollenhauer 'JAM' and Cap Elite

'Fight Gone Bad' is not quite as bad as it sounds, but man it is is actually the name they give to a quite challenging but very rewarding and effective Workout Of The Day (WOD) that CrossFit locations around the globe give to this workout that apparently the well known Mixed Martial Artist BJ Penn helped design and name for the CrossFit Community (BTW..if you have no idea what CrossFit is, to see one of the most efficient, challenging and effective no BS workouts you could ever do, check it out!)

Anyways so the workout is pretty 'simple' but it sure ain't EASY! It goes like this...

It's a Circuit of 5 exercises done for an all out burst of 1 min each with no rest between each station...

1) Wall Ball High Throws (tossing a 20 lb big medicine ball to an X marked high on the wall as you catch the ball squat down and thrust into air simultaneously)

2) DB Push Press (holding a 20 lb DB in each hand do max # of push preses in 1 min)

3) Burpess (ahh the good ole total body conditioning fave of the armed forces)

4) Box Jumps (onto 20 in high box)

5) KB (Kettle Bell) Sumo Deadlifts with high pull

Take 1 min to try to catch your breath and stop the burn in your lungs and bod then repeat circuit for 3 rounds(charting your completed reps at each station each of all 3 rounds).

My score for each round was 96,69 and 75 for a total of 240, so I have established my 'baseline; score, and my goal is to up that total by a 100 total pts as I transform myself into a lean, mean, fat burning CrossFit machine this summer!

The facility is great, alot different than most gyms, as you will notice by the lack of machines and equipment, and there are no mirrors! CRossFit is a functional approach to achieving real fitness in all areas, not just about building muscle for show, they train movements not isolated muscles, it's real world training for real life, and I love it! In fact it is this style of training that the Gerard Butler and the cast of the movie "300" used to transform into Warriors. I will be doing the same thing over the summer and I could not recommend this style of training more if you want to take your fitness and life to the next level! Oh and BTW...Scott is awesome if you are near or around the Woodlands area go see him at Cross Fit Woodlands

Sincere, my lil girl (who played with Scott's kids, they actually worked out with us too) and I had a great time yesterday, thank you to Scott, his wonderful wife and Eddie, you guys are first class and we will see you again real soon!

Here's a few pics of the to take a swim and relax my body in the pool with my lil girl, it is a gorgeous day here today in Houston!

The CrossFit Woodlands Grand Opening Crew For The First Ever CrossFit Woodlands WOD!

The CrossFit Woodlands 'Box'...what a 'real world gym' looks like...thinking 'outside the box' when it comes to fitness, and getting back to basics...note the lack of machines and mirrors, get ready to get your sweat on!

Scott's wonderful wife Melanie and their lil guy, who is an amazing lil climber already, proving CrossFit is for all ages!

My lil girl 'Hanging In There' she too enjoyed hanging out at CrossFit Woodlands and the kids even joined in, try that at 24 Hour Fitness! ;)

Lastly just found this...a short video from Cross Fit Central in Austin that shows some of the action in 'Fight Gone Bad'...enjoy!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

~Who Would've Guessed...A Network Marketing Company on the cover of Sports Ilustrated!

Who would've guessed...

. . . a Network Marketing company on the cover of Sports Illustrated!

Beckham graces the cover . . . with Herbalife across his chest!

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Herbalife just got their moneys worth... and Becks has yet to play a single game in a LA Galaxy uniform!

Way to go Herbalife! Millions of happy customers. Billions in sales. And now serious global branding.

Oh... and recently Herbalife (LA Galaxy) played Xango (Real Salt Lake) in LA, here's a few of my buds hanging on the terrace at the game
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Herbalife VS Xango on TV and millions of viewers all over the world, pretty cool! In fact LOOK at this 'AS SEEN ON TV' spot from Xango that aired during the Big Game!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Congratulations to Herbalife and to Network Marketing! You've come a long way baby!

The world is FINALLY waking up to the incredible opportunity and Lifestyle Network Marketing provides: Fun, Personal Growth, Travel, Leverage, Residual Income, Tremendous Tax advantages, etc. And one does not even have to give up what they are currently doing to tap into this powerful business model.

Most people do Network Marketing (telling somebody about a product or service they like) Everyday.... they just don't get PAID for it!

The only people NOT involved in Network Marketing are the people who don't 'Get It' I have found for the most part. People are always 'Down On' what they are not 'Up on'! It's impossible to know what you do not know! ;)

Once people 'Get It' and see that they can tap into the power of this business model by simply investing 10-15 hours a week without jeopardizing what they currently do for a living, they almost always decide to do it!

It is the most Brilliant form of free enterprise and entrepreneurship I have ever seen; I mean who doesn't want more money, more FREE Time, more travel, and more fun and with the health to do so and enjoy!?

If you are not familiar with the business model, might I suggest you 'get with it', get educated and find a good network marketing company with products you belive in and a good team to work with and start building your Plan B, another income stream (a Leveraged Residual one at that!) TODAY!

Here's a great movie, BRILLIANT COMPENSATION that is a must see if you are unfamiliar with the Network Marketing business model, it is POWERFUL!

See you on the beaches of the world!