Below is a great ad and video from a great company...Apple...Think Different!
As an Entrepreneur/Zentrepreneur I really appreciate this video and the words
and people in it, and think that you too may be inspired!
Furthermore, to all of us who have 'answered the call' and are following our hearts
our passions and souls purpose, many people (from the 'herd') will often ask of us,
"Why Do You Do What You DO?"
"Why Don't You Get A Real Job?"
Ever Heard that one before?? God Forbid! ;)
Well below here is a great article from Perry Masrshall (via my friend in Orlando,thanks Nancy) that really hit home for me...perhaps it will for you as well... enjoy!
Appreciation and a culture of HONOR for Entrepreneurs
I just came home from a conference by Paul Manwaring called A Culture of Honor. As he spoke about how carelessly people criticize each other on TV and in daily life - and how uplifting it is to receive words of affirmation - I was struck by how little appreciation most entrepreneurs get from… well, anybody.
The evening news is no celebration of business people, that's for sure.
The government ain't doing much to make your job easier.
So… why would you risk everything, endure multiple bankruptcies, work 17 hours a day for weeks and months at a time, to be the first to be taxed and the last to get paid in a game that offers no guarantee of success whatsoever?
It takes a very special kind of person.
It takes a person who is driven from the inside by passion and vision and a bit of eccentricity. It requires you to be so dissatisfied with the status quo that you feel like you can endure anything so long as it's not the present mediocrity.
You're one of those people who just can't stand following the car ahead of you on the expressway to some cubicle for the rest of your life.
Or maybe you have this idea for a product or a way of doing something and you're convicted to your very soul that the world needs to see things *your* way for once.
In any case, I doubt it's because you're just some greedy, money-grubbing over-achiever who needs to take a chill pill. No, that popular depiction is deeply misleading.
(Marketing RX-'Chill Pill' for Entrepreneurs...empty bottle, fill with your fave sweet, mint, gum, etc!) ;)
I just want to say… Wherever you are in your journey, I’m proud of you, I HONOR you, and I cheer you on in your effort. Any honest business is a noble and honorable thing.
I’ll never forget my 2nd trip to Africa. I’m somewhere southwest of Nairobi Kenya, visiting George Karanga and his wife Jane, two very special people who run a foster program for AIDS orphans.
I’m meeting a woman whose husband is dying of AIDS, he’s down to 66 pounds… all kinds of kids who’ve lost both parents to HIV and now live with aunts, uncles or grandparents… people who are deathly sick for lack of $1.00 for a bus ticket to go to a medical clinic…a woman who’s 8 years a paraplegic, living under a tin roof in a dark mud hut, her sole entertainment her radio, her cat, and her kind neighbors who look after her.
Not a cheery scene.
But the epiphany occurs when I meet a fellow named Paul Mungai, who runs a cobbler shop. Paul, ironically, is Paul Mungai, the crippled owner of a cobbler shop in Kenya
Paul Mungai, the crippled owner of a cobbler shop in Kenya might be crippled, but he knows how to make and fix shoes. And he knows how to run a business.
He started with just $50.00 of seed money and now has, by Kenyan standards, a sound business. He’s feeding his family, he’s paying his rent, his kids have uniforms to wear to school, and everyone in his care has enough to live on.
There’s a gleam in his eye. We exchange a few words and share our mutual understanding: There is one and only one path out of poverty. The one and only path out of poverty is entrepreneurship and business success.
It ain’t government. It’s not social programs. It’s not charity. It’s not even jobs or technology. It’s entrepreneurship.
The message was loud and clear: What you and I do may be daring, crazy, irrational and largely misunderstood. Condescending do-gooders may tell you you’re greedy or too successful. Your brother-in-law may think you’ve got your head stuffed in a cloud.
The government may think it has the right to confiscate your profits and give them to “education” or other well-intentioned social programs. You might cater to some strange market, doing something that most people consider frivolous.
But the fact remains: What you and I do is profoundly important. You and I pave the road that leads from poverty to success. We create the ingenuity and jobs and wealth that makes good medical care possible.
We create the world that has enough to eat, the world where even welfare kids in housing projects get three square meals a day.
So don’t ever apologize to anyone for doing what you do. If it wasn’t for you, me and the rest of us entrepreneurs, “they” would still be sleeping on dirt floors.
That conversation with Paul in Kenya sparkled with the mutual awareness of what I just described to you.
And as George took me to see other recipients of Micro-Enterprise seed funding – a lady selling sardines and tomatoes on a nailed-together stand on the side of the road, several women selling fruits and vegetables in the local markets, I thought of the entrepreneurs I meet in the US, Canada and Australia.
I thought of those rah-rah Amway rallies I was going to years ago, and the easily-exploited naiveté that’s so characteristic of “the Biz Op” market as it’s sometimes called.
And like it or not, it’s that raw enthusiasm and independent spirit that drives the prosperity of the West.
Where that drive, imagination and ingenuity are lacking, people starve – literally.
So yes, some business people are too greedy. Some entrepreneurs don’t care about their fellow man. Some people do make their money by dishonest means. But remember, the character quotient is no better on the poor side of the fence.
So if you’re prospering by means of an honest enterprise – or if you’re struggling to put one together – then you are a hero. The bards and minstrels may not sing songs about you, and your handsome face may never appear on The Apprentice, but what you do every day when you get out of bed is a worthwhile and indeed necessary thing.
Don’t ever forget it. What you do matters. A lot. It's worth celebrating and it's HONORABLE.
Perry Marshall
Wow thanks Perry and hope you are all as inspired as I am after reading that! Perhaps read some of those bolded parts above again... keep striving and making a difference... as what you and I do...IT MATTERS!!
Thanks for reading and for being a part of the Journey and the Solution, I Appreciate you!
Your friend on the Entrepreneurial Journey,
Jared Maidenberg
PS Do you have a system/mechanism in place to show APPRECIATION to the people in your life? I found an incredible, fun, easy way to do so daily with Send Out Cards It Feels So Good (for u and them) to Send out unexpected heartfelt cards, check out link above and send a card or two to someone who needs to hear from you FREE on me! Enjoy and feel free to contact me if u need any help.
PSS Connect with Me Up on Facebook @
Monday, March 16, 2009
~What does Austin's South By Southwest Music & Media Conference (SXSW), Mike Dillard, Gary Vaynerchuk and I Have In Common...
Funny... I was just pondering this very thing the last couple days as I tried to keep
up with all the news and happenings at the South By Southwest Music and Media Conference up the road in Austin (and coincidentally MikeDillard's hometown...that I should so be at btw as one of my heroes Gary Vaynerchuk is there and rocked the house yesterday with his keynote) and it became a dillemma for me as well as it is for Mike Dillard as he shares below!
What am I and Mike Dillard referring to??
Well none other than....
See as I did not make it to Austin this year, so I was living vicariously through all the live 'Tweets' from Twitter re Austin's South By Southwest (#SXSW) Festival, namely from my Friend Jonathan Cohen (@Coffeegroundz) and all other 'Tweeple' who were 'Tweeting' at a rapid fire pace, especially when 'The Man' Gary Vaynerchuk was speaking yesterday (see video from his talk below) and well I had several people add or 'follow' me in the process and as
I was sifting through the people who have 'Followed' me to see if I want to 'follow' them in return, I started to thin about who I really wanted to Follow and why and should I follow them
just because they are following me, and this my Dilemma...the very Dilemma Mike Dillard refers to below in his message, read on...this from Mike......
I Have A Dilemma...
It’s been the source of an internal debate for a few weeks now, and I’d like to get your thoughts…
I’m talking about Twitter, and the single question that we must all eventually answer…
Do you follow someone just because they followed you? Or do you only follow people you genuinely know and want to follow?
Over the past few months, I’ve done both.
After talking to my good friend and social media maven, Perry Belcher, I decided to “reciprocal follow” everyone who was following me about two months ago.
There are two reasons you’d want to do this…
1: It’s polite.
2: It helps you gain exposure, which will help increase your number of followers.
As of today, I follow around 10,000 people, and have 11,900-ish followers at
Looking back, I’m not convinced that was the best move to make, and here’s why…
It’s not the number of people who follow you on Twitter that matters, it’s the number of people who actually listen to you.
And if everyone is just “reciprocal following” everyone, not because they WANT to listen to that person, but because they’re trying to increase their exposure and number of followers, then we have a problem...
Everyone’s following everyone, but no one’s really listening.
When I had 8,000 followers and followed 50, I knew that all 8,000 people subscribed to my “Tweets” because they genuinely wanted to plug into my life, and hear what I had to say.
That’s no longer the case.
And it gets worse…
Once you follow 500+ people, you have to start using specialized software like, just to filter and manage so many messages.
And if you already use TweetDeck like me, you’ve probably set up a custom sub-list of real friends so you can separate all of their messages from the masses of people you don’t know.
How genuine is that?
In the end, reciprocal following simply dilutes the power of an application like Twitter because it’s a behavior that’s motivated by greed instead of authenticity, just so we can all enjoy the illusion of having “more followers”.
That doesn’t sit right with me, so after many days of thought, I’m going to do some surgery on my Twitter account and * gasp * “unfollow” the 10,000+ people I don’t truly know.
If you’re one of them, please do not take it personally. It’s not.
I'm sure I'll lose quite a few people during this process, but that's fine. If that's what it costs to be authentic, then so be it.
And if you continue following me because you truly have an interest in what I have to say and offer, then THANK YOU. That’s what this tool is all about.
My Twitter address is
In the end, I feel that any true “following” you build in your life should be based on providing real value, not the perpetuation of an illusion daisy-chained from one person to the next.
(If you feel strongly about this as well and would like to share this letter, you're welcome to do so as you wish).
Mike Dillard
PS Here it is the Full blown non edited, R-Rated (for language) 71 min talk Gary Vaynerchuk (@Garyvee) talk Gary did yesterday at SXSW:
PSS And in case you are still not sure what Twitter is, are not yet Tweeting or are but still not sure exactly how it works, here's a great expanation of Twitter in 'plain english' in 2 min:
PSSS If you feel that I might add some value into your life, connect with and follow me on Twitter Here!
up with all the news and happenings at the South By Southwest Music and Media Conference up the road in Austin (and coincidentally MikeDillard's hometown...that I should so be at btw as one of my heroes Gary Vaynerchuk is there and rocked the house yesterday with his keynote) and it became a dillemma for me as well as it is for Mike Dillard as he shares below!
What am I and Mike Dillard referring to??
Well none other than....
See as I did not make it to Austin this year, so I was living vicariously through all the live 'Tweets' from Twitter re Austin's South By Southwest (#SXSW) Festival, namely from my Friend Jonathan Cohen (@Coffeegroundz) and all other 'Tweeple' who were 'Tweeting' at a rapid fire pace, especially when 'The Man' Gary Vaynerchuk was speaking yesterday (see video from his talk below) and well I had several people add or 'follow' me in the process and as
I was sifting through the people who have 'Followed' me to see if I want to 'follow' them in return, I started to thin about who I really wanted to Follow and why and should I follow them
just because they are following me, and this my Dilemma...the very Dilemma Mike Dillard refers to below in his message, read on...this from Mike......
I Have A Dilemma...
It’s been the source of an internal debate for a few weeks now, and I’d like to get your thoughts…
I’m talking about Twitter, and the single question that we must all eventually answer…
Do you follow someone just because they followed you? Or do you only follow people you genuinely know and want to follow?
Over the past few months, I’ve done both.
After talking to my good friend and social media maven, Perry Belcher, I decided to “reciprocal follow” everyone who was following me about two months ago.
There are two reasons you’d want to do this…
1: It’s polite.
2: It helps you gain exposure, which will help increase your number of followers.
As of today, I follow around 10,000 people, and have 11,900-ish followers at
Looking back, I’m not convinced that was the best move to make, and here’s why…
It’s not the number of people who follow you on Twitter that matters, it’s the number of people who actually listen to you.
And if everyone is just “reciprocal following” everyone, not because they WANT to listen to that person, but because they’re trying to increase their exposure and number of followers, then we have a problem...
Everyone’s following everyone, but no one’s really listening.
When I had 8,000 followers and followed 50, I knew that all 8,000 people subscribed to my “Tweets” because they genuinely wanted to plug into my life, and hear what I had to say.
That’s no longer the case.
And it gets worse…
Once you follow 500+ people, you have to start using specialized software like, just to filter and manage so many messages.
And if you already use TweetDeck like me, you’ve probably set up a custom sub-list of real friends so you can separate all of their messages from the masses of people you don’t know.
How genuine is that?
In the end, reciprocal following simply dilutes the power of an application like Twitter because it’s a behavior that’s motivated by greed instead of authenticity, just so we can all enjoy the illusion of having “more followers”.
That doesn’t sit right with me, so after many days of thought, I’m going to do some surgery on my Twitter account and * gasp * “unfollow” the 10,000+ people I don’t truly know.
If you’re one of them, please do not take it personally. It’s not.
I'm sure I'll lose quite a few people during this process, but that's fine. If that's what it costs to be authentic, then so be it.
And if you continue following me because you truly have an interest in what I have to say and offer, then THANK YOU. That’s what this tool is all about.
My Twitter address is
In the end, I feel that any true “following” you build in your life should be based on providing real value, not the perpetuation of an illusion daisy-chained from one person to the next.
(If you feel strongly about this as well and would like to share this letter, you're welcome to do so as you wish).
Mike Dillard
PS Here it is the Full blown non edited, R-Rated (for language) 71 min talk Gary Vaynerchuk (@Garyvee) talk Gary did yesterday at SXSW:
PSS And in case you are still not sure what Twitter is, are not yet Tweeting or are but still not sure exactly how it works, here's a great expanation of Twitter in 'plain english' in 2 min:
PSSS If you feel that I might add some value into your life, connect with and follow me on Twitter Here!
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