Sunday, August 10, 2008
~TIME...What's It Worth?!
Today is a special day it is my darling little girl Shoshanna's 6th Birthday!
Six years ago today I was 'gifted' with this amazing little girl, this beautiful little soul, who has changed my life for the better in so many ways and opened my heart in ways I can't even describe and who has inspired me to Be, Do, Have and Give More!
It blows me away that she is already six and going into the first grade, wow how TIME flies, amazing!!
To all Parents out there (which I know many of you are and well even if you're not I think you can relate) you know how kids spell LOVE?
T - I - M - E
Yes, T-I-M-E...TIME! It's the quality Time and Attention we gift our kids with that really makes an impact in their lives (and in ours). It's the most precious of commodities and the one that is most lacking for most people out there, and as well all know...there is only a finite amount we only have so much TIME!
Think about it...
When you subtract out the sleeping time, commuting time, time at the J.O.B and time for things you have to do each day and everday of your life, most people don't have more than 1 or 2 hours each day to do what they like to do, with whom they want to do it with...and then...would they have the MONEY to do it??
Think about This...
How many times in the last day, week, month, year have you said to your kids, yourself, family or friends,
"I (we) Can't______ I(we) don't have the Time/Money (or both) to_______"
Saying that to people you know, love, care about and want the best for does not feel good, in fact it really SUCKS, believe me I know how it feels, and perhaps you do to!? It hurts, it makes you feel like shit, it makes you feel less than what you are..and know you are capable of!
On the flip side I have experienced what it is like to have Leveraged, Passive, Residual Income and man oh man does that feel good to pretty much do what you want, when you want with whom you want and not have to worry about the whole 'Time or Money Thing'!
For 4 years of my daughters life I was able to BE THERE, to spend TIME with her, to be at every school event, to take her to school and be there at the bus stop to greet her when she comes home, to coach her sports teams and be a big part of her life, she definitely knows who her daddy is, and that is a feeling beyond description.. and one that I want EVERY parent to feel and experience!
Unfortunately I lost that feeling (and that income) recently during a tumultuous 2 year long custody case for my little girl, however I am a big believer in everything happens for a reason and sometimes the toughest times in our lives teach us the most valuable lessons, and lead us to where we need to go (though at the time we may not realize it)
Having sold my business to continue to fund the custody case (and knowing it was the right time to depart for several reasons) I had been looking for something that would help to to re-create the Lifestyle I was enjoying (and a whole lot more) for months and have now found it, but that is not the purpose of this message, more on that later.
Back to the TIME thing....
We all want MORE to do the things we are passionate about and with whom we love the most and although we often do not think about it, we are only given so much time here in this life, and the thing is we don't know how much Time it will be for each of us!?
Just this weekend we were given a stark, sad reminder of this...comedian, TV and Movie star Bernie Mac passed away due to complications from pneumonia, at 50 years young!
I will not even get started on a rant about how this should not have happened (dying of complications from pneumonia should never happen today, but the mainstream medical establishment does not get that yet!), bottom line it did and Bernie leaves behind a family, friends and millions of fans and, " A world that is a little less Funny" said his Oceans 11 co-star George Clooney.
Berni's passing, the passing away recently of Randy Pausch, a true American Hero and amazing man, father, husband, and human being (his LastLecture has touched millions), and my own dad's health challenges (with 2 close calls due also to complications from Pneumonia and a compromised immune system) have really woken me up to realizing that TIME and LIFE and so precious and we must Seize The Day, Carpe Diem!
So Time and Money although very important, without HEALTH, well what's the point aye??
All the Gold in the world cannot by a dying man/woman another breath, so if we are stepping over our health in the pursuit of wealth...well we are kind of missing the mark!
Here's a Formula for Lifestyle I often share with people..
Time + Money + Health = Lifestyle
Wouldn't life be cool if we had the TIME, the MONEY and the HEALTH to be able to truly LIVE life, to not just exist and go through the motions but to truly LIVE LIFE, to not just survive but THRIVE, to be able to do what we want, when we want, with whom we choose, and in the style we desire, dream of and deserve!?
Yes Time, Money and Health are what the 'Leveraged Lifestyle' is all about...not too mention once we have the time and money and we are looking and feeling our best, our relationships improve, in all areas of life as we can now take the time to re-connect with ourselves, our loved ones and friends and our Source, and to spend time doing what nourishes our spirit and soul, however that looks and feels to YOU! ;)
This is just a 'sliver' what True Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance looks and feels like (ultimately it is YOU who must decide that for yourself) and this is what I envision for myself and the TEAM i am creating, now it is up to each and every one of us to take what we have here and co-create what we want to Be, Do and Have!
Let's all find out what kind of parents, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, friends, neighbors, aunts, uncles, cousins and human beings we can be when we have the the 'Time, Money and Health Thing' handled... aye!?
It promises to be an incredible Journey, I look forward to the Journey and the fun friendships and incredible experiences along the way....all aboard!
To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit!
Your Friend and Partner on The Journey,
Jared Maidenberg
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